
Mapcrafter allows you to add different markers easily to your rendered maps. Markers are organized in marker groups, this allows you show and hide different marker groups on the rendered map.

Automatically Generated Markers

Mapcrafter is able to automatically generate markers from specific signs in your Minecraft world.

A special marker section type is used to configure automatically generated marker groups. Here is an example:

name = Homes
prefix = [home]
icon = home.png
icon_size = [32, 32]

This section defines a marker group showing different homes in your Minecraft world. Every sign that starts with the prefix [home] is shown on the map as marker of this marker group.

See Marker Options for a reference of marker section options.

To automatically generate these markers, use the mapcrafter_markers program with your configuration file:

mapcrafter_markers -c render.conf

This program generates your defined marker groups and writes them to a markers-generated.js file in your output directory. You do not need to worry about manually specified markers being overwritten.

If you have a very big world and want some progress information, use the verbose flag:

mapcrafter_markers -v -c render.conf

Manually Specifying Markers

Of course it is still possible to add markers manually to your map. You can do this by editing the markers.js file in your output directory (it is not overwritten by Mapcrafter if it already exists). The markers.js file is a Javascript file which is included by the web interface and contains definitions for the map markers.

Here is an example markers.js file:

// Add your own markers to this file.

    // just one example marker group
        // id of the marker group, without spaces/other special chars
        "id" : "signs",
        // name of the marker group, displayed in the webinterface
        "name" : "Signs",
        // icon of the markers belonging to that group (optional)
        "icon" : "sign.png",
        // size of that icon
        "iconSize" : [32, 32],
        // whether this marker group is shown by default (optional)
        "showDefault" : true,
        // markers of this marker group...
        "markers" : {
            // the world "world"
            "world" : [
                // example marker, pretty format:
                    // position ([x, z, y])
                    "pos" : [35, -21, 64],
                    // title when you hover over the marker
                    "title" : "Sign1",
                    // text in the marker popup window
                    "text" : "Hello."
                // more markers:
                {"pos" : [100, 100, 64], "title" : "Test1"},
                {"pos" : [100, 200, 64], "title" : "Test2"},
                {"pos" : [500, 30, 64], "title" : "Test2"},

    // another marker group
        "id" : "homes",
        "name" : "Homes",
        "icon" : "home.png",
        "iconSize" : [32, 32],
        "markers" : {
            "world" : [
                {"pos" : [42, 73, 64], "title" : "Steve's home"},
            "world2" : [
                {"pos" : [73, 42, 64], "title" : "Steve's other home"},

As you can see there is a bit Javascript syntax involved here. Do not forget quotation marks around strings or the commas after array elements. The lines starting with a // are comments and ignored by Javascript.

The file has a Javascript-Array called MAPCRAFTER_MARKERS which contains the different marker groups. The elements are associative Javascript-Arrays and contain the options of the different marker groups.

These options are similar to the marker section configuration options. Every marker group has an unique ID and a name displayed in the web interface. You can also use an icon with a specific size (optional).

The actual markers are specified per world in an associative array with the name markers. You have to use as world name your world section name.

The definition of markers is also done with associative arrays:

{"pos" : [42, 73, 64], "title" : "Steve's home"},

Here you can see a simple marker with the title Steve's home and the position 42, 73, 64. The position is always specified as array in the form of [x, z, y] (x, z and then y because x and z are the horizontal axes and y is the vertical axis).

Here are the available options for the markers:



This is the position of the marker in the form of [x, z, y]. Example: [12, 34, 64]



This is the title of the marker you can see when you hover over the marker.


Default: Title of the marker

This is the text of the marker popup window. If you do not specifiy a text, the title of the marker is used as text.

Furthermore you can customize your markers by specifying a functions which creates the actual Leaflet marker objects with the marker data. This function is called for every marker in the marker group and should return a marker-like object displayable by Leaflet. Please have a look at the Leaflet API to find out what you can do with Leaflet:

Here is a simple example which shows two areas on the map:

    "id" : "test",
    "name" : "Test",
    "createMarker" : function(ui, groupInfo, markerInfo) {
        var latlngs = [];
        // use the ui.mcToLatLng-function to convert Minecraft coords to LatLngs
        latlngs.push(ui.mcToLatLng(markerInfo.p1[0], markerInfo.p1[1], 64));
        latlngs.push(ui.mcToLatLng(markerInfo.p2[0], markerInfo.p2[1], 64));
        latlngs.push(ui.mcToLatLng(markerInfo.p3[0], markerInfo.p3[1], 64));
        latlngs.push(ui.mcToLatLng(markerInfo.p4[0], markerInfo.p4[1], 64));
        latlngs.push(ui.mcToLatLng(markerInfo.p1[0], markerInfo.p1[1], 64));

        return L.polyline(latlngs, {"color" : markerInfo.color});
    "markers" : {
        "world" : [
                "p1" : [42, 0],
                "p2" : [0, 0],
                "p3" : [0, 42],
                "p4" : [42, 42],
                "color" : "red",
                "p1" : [73, -42],
                "p2" : [-42, -42],
                "p3" : [-42, 73],
                "p4" : [73, 73],
                "color" : "yellow",

As you can see you can use the ui.mcToLatLng method to convert Minecraft coordinates (x, z and then y) to Leaflet latitude/longitute coordinates. You can also use arbitrary data in the associative marker arrays and access them with the markerInfo parameter of your function (same with groupInfo and the fields of the marker group).

Minecraft Server

If you want player markers from your Minecraft Server on your map, please have a look at the mapcrafter-playermarkers project.

The plugin adds to your map animated markers of the players on your Minecraft Server.