Configuration File Format

To tell the Mapcrafter which maps to render, simple INI-like configuration files are used. With configuration files it is possible to render multiple maps/rotations/rendermodes into one output file.

A First Example

Here is a simple example of a configuration file (let’s call it render.conf):

output_dir = output

input_dir = worlds/myworld

world = myworld

As you can see the configuration files consist of different types of sections (e.g. [section]) and containing assignments of configuration options to specific values (e.g. key = value). The sections have their names in square brackets, where the prefix with the colon shows the type of the section.

There are three types (actually four, but more about that later) of sections:

  • World sections (e.g. sections starting with world:)
  • Map sections (e.g. sections starting with map:)
  • Marker sections (e.g. sections starting with marker:, also see Markers)

Every world section represents a Minecraft world you want to render and needs a directory where it can find the Minecraft world (input_dir of the world section myworld in the example above).

Every map section represents a rendered Minecraft world. You can specify things like rotation of the world, rendermode, texture pack and texture size for each map.

In this example you can see that we have a world myworld in the directory worlds/myworld/ which is rendered as the map map_myworld. The directory output/ is set as output directory. After rendering you can open the index.html file in this directory and view your rendered map.

As you can see the configuration option output_dir is not contained in any section - it’s in the so called root section. That’s because all maps are rendered into this directory and viewable via one index.html file, so the output_dir option is the same for all maps in this configuration file.

Let’s have a look at a more advanced configuration file.

A More Advanced Example

output_dir = output

rendermode = daylight
rotations = top-left bottom-right

input_dir = worlds/world

input_dir = worlds/creative

name = Normal World - Day
world = world

name = Normal World - Night
world = world
rendermode = nightlight

name = Normal World - Cave
world = world
rendermode = cave

name = Creative World - Day
world = creative
rotations = top-left top-right bottom-right bottom-left
texture_dir = textures/special_textures
texture_size = 16

name = Creative World - Night
world = creative
rendermode = nightlight
rotations = top-left top-right bottom-right bottom-left
texture_dir = textures/special_textures
texture_size = 16

Here we have some more worlds and maps defined. We have a “normal” world which is rendered with the day, night and cave rendermode and we have a “creative” world which is rendered super fancy with a special texture pack, higher texture size and all available world rotations with the day and night rendermode.

As you can see there is a new section global:map. This section is used to set default values for all map sections. Because of this in this example every map has the daylight rendermode and the world rotations top-left and top-right as default. Of course you can overwrite these settings in every map section. There is also a global section global:world for worlds, but at the moment there is only one configuration option for worlds (input_dir), so it doesn’t make much sense setting a default value here.

Furthermore every map has as option name a name which is used in the webinterface of the output HTML-File. This can be anything suitable to identify this map. In contrast to that the world and map names in the sections are used for internal representation and therefore should be unique and contain only alphanumeric chars and underscores.

When you have now your configuration file you can render your worlds with (see Command Line Options for more options and usage):

mapcrafter -c render.conf

Available Options

General Options


These options are relevant for all worlds and maps, so you have to put them in the header before the first section starts

output_dir = <directory>


This is the directory where Mapcrafter saves the rendered map. Every time you render your map the renderer copies the template files into this directory and overwrites them, if they already exist. The renderer creates an index.html file you can open with your webbrowser. If you want to customize this HTML-File, you should do this directly in the template (see template_dir) because this file is overwritten every time you render the map.

template_dir = <directory>

Default: default template directory (see Resources and Textures)

This is the directory with the web template files. The renderer copies all files, which are in this directory, to the output directory and replaces the variables in the index.html file. The index.html file is also the file in the output directory you can open with your webbrowser after the rendering.

background_color = <hex color>

Default: #DDDDDD

This is the background color of your rendered map. You have to specify it like an HTML hex color (#rrggbb).

The background color of the map is set with a CSS option in the template. Because the JPEG image format does not support transparency and some tiles are not completely used, you have to re-render your maps which use JPEGs if you change the background color.

World Options


These options are for the worlds. You can specify them in the world sections (the ones starting with world:) or you can specify them in the global:world section. If you specify them in the global section, these options are default values and inherited into the world sections if you do not overwrite them.

input_dir = <directory>


This is the directory of your Minecraft world. The directory should contain a directory region/ with the .mca region files.

dimension = nether|overworld|end

Default: overworld

You can specify with this option the dimension of the world Mapcrafter should render. If you choose The Nether or The End, Mapcrafter will automagically detect the corresponding region directory. It will try the Bukkit region directory (for example myworld_nether/DIM-1/region) first and then the directory of a normal vanilla server/client (for example myworld/DIM-1/region).


If you want to render The Nether and want to see something, you should use the cave rendermode or use the crop_max_y option to remove the top bedrock layers.

world_name = <name>

Default: <name of the world section>

This is another name of the world, the name of the world the server uses. You don’t usually need to specify this manually unless your server uses different world names and you want to use the mapcrafter-playermarkers script.

default_view = <x>,<z>,<y>

Default: Center of the map

You can specify the default center of the map with this option. Just specify a position in your Minecraft world you want as center when you open the map.

default_zoom = <zoomlevel>

Default: 0

This is the default zoom level shown when you open the map. The default zoom level is 0 (completely zoomed out) and the maximum zoom level (completely zoomed in) is the one Mapcrafter shows when rendering your map.

default_rotation = top-left|top-right|bottom-right|bottom-left

Default: First available rotation of the map

This is the default rotation shown when you open the map. You can specify one of the four available rotations. If a map doesn’t have this rotation, the first available rotation will be shown.

By using the following options you can crop your world and render only a specific part of it. With these two options you can skip blocks above or below a specific level:

crop_min_y = <number>

Default: -infinity

This is the minimum y-coordinate of blocks Mapcrafter will render.

crop_max_y = <number>

Default: infinity

This is the maximum y-coordinate of blocks Mapcrafter will render.

Furthermore there are two different types of world cropping:

  1. Rectangular cropping:
  • You can specify limits for the x- and z-coordinates. The renderer will render only blocks contained in these boundaries. You can use the following options whereas all options are optional and default to infinite (or -infinite for minimum limits):
    • crop_min_x (minimum limit of x-coordinate)
    • crop_max_x (maximum limit of x-coordinate)
    • crop_min_z (minimum limit of z-coordinate)
    • crop_max_z (maximum limit of z-coordinate)
  1. Circular cropping:
  • You can specify a block position as center and a radius. The renderer will render only blocks contained in this circle:
    • crop_center_x (required, x-coordinate of the center)
    • crop_center_z (required, z-coordinate of the center)
    • crop_radius (required, radius of the circle)


The renderer automatically centers circular cropped worlds and rectangular cropped worlds which have all four limits specified so the maximum zoom level of the rendered map does not unnecessarily become as high as the original map.

Changing the center of an already rendered map is complicated and therefore not supported by the renderer. Due to that you should completely rerender the map when you want to change the boundaries of a cropped world. This also means that you should delete the already rendered map (delete <output_dir>/<map_name>).

Map Options


These options are for the maps. You can specify them in the map sections (the ones starting with map:) or you can specify them in the global:map section. If you specify them in the global section, these options are default values and inherited into the map sections if you do not overwrite them.

name = <name>

Default: <name of the section>

This is the name for the rendered map. You will see this name in the output file, so you should use here an human-readable name. The belonging configuration section to this map has also a name (in square brackets). Since the name of the section is used for internal representation, the name of the section should be unique and you should only use alphanumeric chars.

rendermode = plain|daylight|nightlight|cave

Default: daylight

This is the rendermode to use when rendering the world. Possible rendermodes are:

Plain rendermode without lighting or other special magic.
Renders the world with lighting.
Like daylight, but renders at night.
Renders only caves and colors blocks depending on their height to make them easier to recognize.

rotations = [top-left] [top-right] [bottom-right] [bottom-left]

Default: top-left

This is a list of directions to render the world from. You can rotate the world by n*90 degrees. Later in the output file you can interactively rotate your world. Possible values for this space-separated list are: top-left, top-right, bottom-right, bottom-left.

Top left means that north is on the top left side on the map (same thing for other directions).

texture_dir = <directory>

Default: default texture directory (see Resources and Textures)

This is the directory with the Minecraft Texture files. The renderer works with the Minecraft 1.6 resource pack file format. You need here:

  • directory chest/ with normal.png, normal_double.png and ender.png
  • directory colormap/ with foliage.png and grass.png
  • directory blocks/ from your texture pack * endportal.png

See also Resources and Textures to see how to get these files.

texture_size = <number>

Default: 12

This is the size (in pixels) of the block textures. The default texture size is 12px (16px is the size of the default Minecraft Textures).

The size of a tile is 32 * texture_size, so the higher the texture size, the more image data the renderer has to process. If you want a high detail, use texture size 16, but texture size 12 looks still good and is faster to render.

image_format = png|jpeg

Default: png

This is the image format the renderer uses for the tile images. You can render your maps to PNGs or to JPEGs. PNGs are losless, JPEGs are faster to write and need less disk space. Also consider the jpeg_quality option when using JPEGs.

jpeg_quality = <number between 0 and 100>

Default: 85

This is the quality to use for the JPEGs. It should be a number between 0 and 100, where 0 is the worst quality which needs the least disk space and 100 is the best quality which needs the most disk space.

lighting_intensity = <number>

Default: 1.0

This is the lighting intensity, i.e. the strength the renderer applies the lighting to the rendered map. You can specify a value from 0.0 to 1.0, where 1.0 means full lighting and 0.0 means no lighting.

render_unknown_blocks = true|false

Default: false

With this option the renderer renders unknown blocks as red blocks (for debugging purposes).

render_leaves_transparent = true|false

Default: true

You can specifiy this to use the transparent leaf textures instead of the opaque textures. Using transparent leaf textures can make the renderer a bit slower because the renderer also has to scan the blocks after the leaves to the ground.

render_biomes = true|false

Default: true

This setting makes the renderer to use the original biome colors for blocks like grass and leaves.

use_image_mtimes = true|false

Default: true

This setting specifies the way the renderer should check if tiles are required when rendering incremental. Different behaviors are:

Use the tile image modification times (true):
The renderer checks the modification times of the already rendered tile images. All tiles whoose chunk timestamps are newer than this modification time are required.
Use the time of the last rendering (false):
The renderer saves the time of the last rendering. All tiles whoose chunk timestamps are newer than this last-render-time are required.

Marker Options


These options are for the marker groups. You can specify them in the marker sections (the ones starting with marker:) or you can specify them in the global:marker section. If you specify them in the global section, these options are default values and inherited into the marker sections if you do not overwrite them.

name = <name>

Default: Name of the section

This is the name of the marker group. You can use a human-readable name since this name is displayed in the webinterface.

prefix = <prefix>

Default: Empty

This is the prefix a sign must have to be recognized as marker of this marker group. Example: If you choose [home] as prefix, all signs whose text starts with [home] are displayed as markers of this group.

title_format = <format>

Default: %text

You can change the title used for markers (the name shown when you hover over a marker) by using different placeholders:

Placeholder Meaning
%text Complete text of the sign without the prefix.
%prefix Configured prefix of this marker group.
%textp Complete text of the sign with the prefix.
%line1 First line of the sign.
%line2 Second line of the sign.
%line3 Third line of the sign.
%line4 Fourth line of the sign.
%x X coordinate of the sign position.
%z Z coordinate of the sign position.
%y Y coordinate of the sign position.

The title of markers defaults to the text (without the prefix) of the belonging sign, e.g. the placeholder %text.

You can use different placeholders and other text in this format string as well, for example Marker at x=%x, y=%y, z=%z: %text.

text_format = <format>

Default: Format of the title

You can change the text shown in the marker popup windows as well. You can use the same placeholders you can use for the marker title.

icon = <icon>

Default: Default Leaflet marker icon

This is the icon used for the markers of this marker group. You do not necessarily need to specify a custom icon, you can also use the default icon.

You can put your own icons into the static/markers/ directory of your template directory. Then you only need to specify the filename of the icon, the path static/markers/ is automatically prepended. You should also specify the size of your custom icon.

icon_size = <size>

Default: [24, 24]

This is the size of your icon. Specify it like [width, height]. The icon size defaults to 24x24 pixels.

match_empty = true|false

Default: false

This option specifies whether empty signs can be matched as markers. You have to set this to true if you set the prefix to an empty string to show all remaining unmatched signs as markers and if you want to show even empty signs as markers.

show_default = true|false

Default: true

With this option you can hide a marker group in the web interface by default.