Using Mapcrafter

First Rendered World

At first you have to create a configuration file like this:

output_dir = output

input_dir = worlds/myworld

name = My World
world = myworld

In the configuration file you define which worlds the renderer should render. In this example is defined that the renderer should render the world in the directory worlds/myworld/ as the map map_myworld into the output directory output/. All relative paths in configuration files are relative to the path of the configuration file.

Now it’s time to render your first world:

mapcrafter -c render.conf

To improve the performance you can also render the map with multiple threads:

mapcrafter -c render.conf -j 2

2 is here the number of threads the renderer uses. You should use the count of your CPU cores. With increasing thread count I/O (reading the world, writing the rendered tiles to disk) mostly becomes the bottleneck so using more threads than CPU cores is not useful.

You can see your rendered map by opening the index.html file in the output directory with your webbrowser.

For more information about rendering maps see Configuration File Format and the next section about command line options.

Command Line Options

Here is a list of available command line options:

General options

-h, --help

Shows a help about the command line options.

-v, --version

Shows the version of Mapcrafter.

Logging/output options

--logging-config <file>

This option sets the global logging configuration file Mapcrafter’s logging facility is using. You do not necessarily need to specify a logging configuration file, Mapcrafter is trying to determine it automatically.

--color <colored>

This option specifies whether Mapcrafter’s logging facility should use a colored terminal output for special messages (warnings/errors). Possible options are true, false or auto (default). auto means that terminal colors are enabled if the output is connected to a tty (and not piped to a file for example).

-b, --batch

This option deactivates the animated progress bar and enables the progress logger instead as terminal output. It is also automatically enabled if the output is not connected to a tty (piped to a file for example).

Renderer options


Shows the resource directories of Mapcrafter. See also Resources and Textures.

-c <file>, --config <file>

This is the path to the configuration file to use when rendering and is required.

-s <maps>, --render-skip <maps>

You can specify maps the renderer should skip when rendering. This is a space-separated list of map names (the map section names from the configuration file). You can also specify the rotation of the maps to skip by adding a : and the short name of the rotation (tl, tr, br, bl).

For example: -s world world2 or -s world:tl world:bl world2:bl world3.

-r, --render-reset

This option skips all maps and renders only the maps you explicitly specify with -a or -f.


This option is useful if you want to update only the template of your rendered map:

mapcrafter -c render.conf -r
-a <maps>, --render-auto <maps>

You can specify maps the renderer should render automatically. This means that the renderer renders the map incrementally, if something was already rendered, or renders the map completely, if this is the first rendering. Per default the renderer renders all maps automatically. See --render-skip for the format to specify maps.

-f <maps>, --render-force <maps>

You can specify maps the renderer should render completely. This means that the renderer renders all tiles, not just the tiles, which might have changed. See --render-skip for the format to specify maps.

-F, --render-force-all

This option is similar to the -f option, but it makes Mapcrafter force-render all maps.

-j <number>, --jobs <number>

This is the count of threads to use (defaults to one), when rendering the map. Using as much threads as CPU cores you have is good, but the rendering performance also depends heavily on your disk. You can render the map to a solid state disk or a ramdisk to improve the performance.

Every thread needs around 150MB ram.